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We need your help to make this event possible! Volunteers are needed for set-up, hospitality and check-in, serving beer and wine, cleanup and much more.

Class of '82.jpg


Calling all CB alumni! Create a home base for your class to connect and win bragging rights for the Most-Visited Table. Can you beat Class of 1982's famous Mai Tais?



Become a Gold or Silver Patron Sponsor and receive event tickets and recognition for your business in event communications, our website, and school publications! Sponsors help make a CB education available to all families.



To Volunteer for the CB Extravaganza:


  1. Scroll through the volunteer opportunities below to find the CB Extravaganza volunteer position of your choosing. 

  2. Click on the volunteer position title (in red).

  3. Click the red Sign Up button.

  4. Create New Account.

  5. Fill out the brief registration form.

  6. Once registered, VolunteerHub should redirect you back to your desired CB Extravaganza volunteer position. Click Sign Up again.


If you have any difficulties with registering for VolunteerHub or signing up for a volunteer position, please email Laurel Herrera



There are many options to suit your timeline and interests! If you would like to be assigned to a volunteer position with a specific partner (e.g. I would like to pour wine with my spouse), please email Laurel Herrera Both volunteers will need to register with VolunteerHub.

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